Focus on Energy Rebate Qualification January 1st, 2018
Natural gas multi-stage furnace with ECM, 95%+ AFUE
Natural gas multi-stage furnace with ECM and 95%+ AFUE installed with a 16+ SEER central air conditioner
Modulating natural gas boiler with outdoor reset control, 95%+ AFUE
Modulating combination natural gas boiler with integrated domestic hot water and outdoor reset control, 95%+ AFUE
Natural gas furnace, 95%+ AFUE
Propane multi-stage furnace with ECM, 90%+ AFUE
Indirect water heater (installed at the same time as qualified boiler)
Air source heat pump 16+ SEER and 8.4+ HSPF (propane, oil or electric furnace only; cannot be a mini-split or ductless system)
ECM replacement (must replace PSC motor)
Ductless/mini-split heat pump for electric resistance heated home, 18+ SEER and 9.0+ HSPF (only for homes heated solely with electric)
Smart thermostat stand-alone 

Tier 1

Tier 1

With Smart Stat

Tier 2

Tier 2

with Smart Stat
